35.3 oz (2lb) kidney beans (You can use other types of beans as well.)
2 1/4 cups maize kernels (about 3 maize cobs worth)
2 carrots
1 large onion
3 large tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic
1 green bell pepper (capsicum)
coriander to taste
4 tsp cooking oil
salt to taste
parboiled potatoes
assorted spices e.g paprika, garam masala
beef stock
chopped red/green chilies
PREPARATION: Soak your beans in water overnight to reduce cooking time.
Boil the soaked beans, maize, and carrots. Discard carrots when beans and maize are soft and cooked.
Dice your onions and your tomatoes and any other vegetables you choose to use.
COOKING: In a saucepan/pot, heat cooking oil and add chopped onions and garlic.
Sauté the onions until they are golden brown. (Be careful not to burn them).
Stir in your diced tomatoes, capsicum and other spices you would like to use. I do not add any other spices myself.
Reduce simmer the tomatoes; letting them break down into a paste.
(OPTIONAL) You can add your parboiled potatoes at this point and let them cook for a few minutes. Make sure they don't overcook and become mashed.
Turn up heat and add maize and beans. Stir for a few minutes, making sure your food does not stick to the bottom of the pot, especially if you are using potatoes. You can add a little bit of water if you notice that the food might stick to the bottom of the pot.
Add beef stock. Add salt to taste.
Make sure your stock is just covering your food. If you do not have beef stock, you can use water. Alternatively, you can dissolve a beef stock cube in water and add that instead.
Turn down the heat and let your food simmer to your liking, or until it is a thicker gravy and not watery.
Garnish with coriander and/or red or green chilies.
Serve with avocado and enjoy your nutritious meal.