18 Authentic Kenyan Recipes to Cook at Home

Today, let your kitchen whisk you away to Kenya, where healthy, hearty, and unique dishes prevail. 

Kenyan recipes are as diverse as the culture itself. We've curated our favorite recipes from local home cooks to bring you to the heart of Kenyan cooking. 

First off, is there a national cuisine of Kenya?

This is not a national cuisine of Kenya. Kenya is a melting pot of different flavors that blend traditional African cooking  with Arab, Indian, and European influences. 

The result is a diverse and flavorful culinary landscape that is all-too-overlooked!

What are popular Kenyan dishes?

Some popular Kenyan dishes are ugali (a staple food made from cornmeal that is mixed with water), pilau (a fragrant rice dish often served with goat or beef), and githeri (a mixture of corn and beans).

Kenyan Stew and Curry Recipes

Stews are a common in Kenya. One of the most popular types of stew in Kenya is called githeri, which is made with corn and beans and often served with a variety of vegetables. 

Stews in Kenya are typically served with a type of carbohydrate such as rice, ugali (cornmeal porridge), or chapati (flatbread).

1. Githeri Recipe

Githeri is a traditional Kenyan dish made from a mixture of corn and beans, typically cooked with tomatoes and onions and seasoned with spices. 

Githeri is a popular dish in Kenya, and it is commonly eaten by locals throughout the country. 

Watch local home cook, Mary Kamau, explain why she loves Githeri and get her family recipe.

2. Mchuzi wa Kuku (Chicken and Coconut Stew)

A flavorful and aromatic stew that is made by simmering chicken in a mixture of coconut milk-- what could be better?

In Kenya, mchuzi wa kuku is a popular dish that is often served as a main course at special occasions and celebrations.

kenyan chicken stew in a gray bowl

3. Sweet Potato and Peanut Stew Recipe

Sweet potatoes and peanuts are two common ingredients--put 'em together and you've got a classic African stew that is great as a side or a main.

Sweet potatoes are a widely cultivated and consumed root vegetable in Africa, and they are often used in a variety of dishes such as stews, soups, and porridges.

african sweet potato and peanut stew in a white bowl

4. Sufuria Recipe (Kenyan Beef Stew)

A traditional Kenyan stew made with a variety of meats and vegetables, cooked in a pot over an open flame.

The dish is named for the pot it is cooked in. A sufuria is a type of metal pot commonly used In Kenya. 

A bowl full of sufuria stew with garnish

5. Ndengu (Mung Bean Curry) Recipe

Made from mung beans ("ndengu" in Swahili), it is typically prepared by boiling the peas with spices until they are tender. It's nutritious, affordable, and great to throw in a slow cooker. 

Serve it with a side of ugali to make it even more filling. 

mung bean stew in a white bowl with garnish

6. Mtuzi wa Samaki (Kenyan Fish Stew) Recipe

Simmering fish in a mixture of coconut milk, spices, and vegetables-- this is a must-try. 

The fish is usually marinated in a mix of spices and herbs before it's added, and the vegetables may include a variety of ingredients like as tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and carrots.

2 kenyan women making fish stew in large metal pots

7. Spicy Matoke Stew Recipe

Matoke is a type of green banana that is commonly grown and consumed in parts of East Africa, including Kenya.

Matoke stew is a traditional mix of green bananas, and a spicy tomato-based sauce.

kenyan matoke stew in a bowl

Kenyan Meat Recipe

8. Nyama Choma (Grilled Meat)

"Nyama choma" means "roasted meat" in Swahili, and it refers to a variety of meats that are grilled over an open fire or on a charcoal grill.

It's often served as a main dish at special celebrations and sporting events and you'll find a toss up of goat, sheep, beef-- you name it. No matter what you grill up, be sure to choose a really high quality cut. 

Nyama Choma on the grill in open air

Kenyan Side Dishes & Vegetables

9. Mukimo Recipe

If you like mashed potatoes and mushy peas, you'll love Mukimo as a side. It's just as simple as the others, but packs more nutrients.

This is widely enjoyed in Kenya and it is time the rest of the world caught notice.  

As local cook, Mary Kamau says below, this dish is for anyone who loves potatoes. Get Mary's Recipe.

green mukimo in a bowl

10. Ugali Recipe (Corn Fufu)

Ugali is a thick, starchy porridge made from cornmeal (maize flour) that is cooked in boiling water or milk until it reaches a dough-like consistency. Ugali is typically eaten with the hands, rolled into small balls and dipped into a sauce or stew.

In Kenya, ugali is often eaten with dishes like sukuma wiki (braised collard greens) or githeri (a mixture of corn and beans). 

Ugali on a white plate

11. Kachumbari Recipe

Kachumbari is often the flavorful sidekick to Kenyan main dishes. 

Made from a mixture of diced tomatoes, onions, chili peppers, lime juice, cumin and a few other spices,  it's easy to make and it keeps well.

Kachumbari in a bowl on a bed of leaves

12. Chapati Recipe (flatbread)

Chapati is a type of flatbread that is popular in many parts of South Asia and East Africa, particularly in Kenya. 

It is made from whole wheat flour that is mixed with water to form a dough, which is then rolled into thin circles and cooked on a griddle or skillet until it is golden brown and crispy. 

pile of chapati bread on a black plate

13. Sukuma Wiki (Braised Collard Greens):

Sukuma wiki are braised collard greens cooked with onions, tomatoes, and spices. It is seasoned with a variety of things, like cumin, coriander, and chili powder. 

Serve is with a series of other Kenyan sides for a fun meal. 

Kenyan-style braised collard greens on a white plate

14. Irio (Mashed Potatoes and Corn)

This dish, like the name, is simple. Irio is a traditional Kenyan dish that is made from a mixture of mashed potatoes and corn (maize). 

A gray plate with a dollup of irio on top with parsely garnish

Kenyan Rice Dishes

15. Pilau (Rice Pilaf)

Pilau (or Pilaf, as you may know it) is made by cooking rice with a mixture of aromatic spices, vegetables, and sometimes meat or seafood. 

Pilau can be served as a side dish or main course. Whatever you do, take local home cook, Mercy Wabomba's advice and use high quality rice and fresh spices to make the dish shine. See Mercy's Recipe.

pilau with beef on a blue plate

Kenyan Breakfast Recipes

16. Uji (Fermented Porridge)

Uji is often consumed as a breakfast drink, and it is sometimes sweetened with sugar or honey. 

It's filling (like a porridge you drink) and is often fermented overnight. 

kenyan porridge being poured into a pot

17. Kinyozi (Spiced Scrambled Eggs)

Breakfast: why overthink it? In Kenya, it is common to see this scrambled egg dish with spices, tomato and onion. 

scrambled eggs on a plate

Kenyan Desserts

18. Mandazi Recipe (African-Style Donuts)

Mandazi is a traditional African dessert that is quite popular in Kenya too. Made by deep-frying a dough made from flour, water, and a small amount of coconut milk, you won't be able to step away from these. 

Maandazi is usually served hot with tea or coffee. Check out this video from Life with Rozzy on how to make them.Check out this video

donuts on a round plate

Kenyan Recipes to Make in An Instant Pot or Pressure Cooker

Kenyan stews, like all other stews, are great options for using a pressure cooker. Here are a list of above Kenyan recipes that would work will in a pressure cooker:

  • Githeri
  • Ndengu (Mung Bean Curry)
  • Sweet Potato and Peanut Stew
  • Spicy Matoke Stew
  • Mchuzi Wa Samaki (Fish Stew with Coconut Milk)
  • Mchuzi Wa Kuku (Chicken Stew with Coconut Milk)
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