Tomato Chutney Recipe

Tomato Chutney Recipe

From: India

By: Devangana Das

Tometor Chatni, also known as tomato chutney, is a staple condiment in Indian cuisine that adds a spicy and tangy flavor to many dishes. Some variations include the addition of garlic, ginger, or other aromatic spices such as cumin or mustard seeds. Some people like to add raisins or other dried fruit to give the chutney a sweet and fruity flavor. 

Devangana, from Kolkata, India, has shared her dessert variation of this dish. Squeeze half a lemon into your chutney to add Devangana's tangy twist to this classic recipe.

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  • Prep Time

    Less than 10 min

  • Cook Time

    Less than 30 min

  • Serves


  • Meal Type

    Side Dish

  • Dietary Stuff


  • Difficulty

    Easy - Common Ingredients & Basic Skills

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How to Prepare Tomato Chutney


2 cups chopped tomatoes
1 tsp black mustard seed
2 tbsp mustard oil
2 dried red chili
1 bay leaf
1 tsp ginger paste
5-10 raisins, dates, cashew nuts
½ tsp salt
2-4 tbsp sugar
1 tsp fennel and cumin powder
Juice from 1/2 lemon


Heat pan over flame for 5-10 seconds. Add ½ tsp of fennel seed powder and ½ tsp of cumin seed powder. Roast for 5-10 seconds. Remove from heat and set aside.

Heat a heavy bottomed pan for 5-10 secs. Add mustard oil, keeping the flame low.

When the mustard oil begins to smoke, add black mustard seeds, dried chili, and bay leaf.

Fry for 10-15 seconds till the spices are crackling and aromatic. Add ginger paste.

Add chopped tomatoes and mix them well with the rest of the spices and oil.

Add salt as per taste and mix again.

Cover pan and let the tomatoes cook til soft- about 9-10 minutes over medium flame. Cook til soft. Check frequently to make sure tomatoes don't stick to the bottom of the pan.

When the tomatoes get soft and mushy, add raisins and chopped dates. Mix well.

Add sugar to taste and squeeze in half lemon. Mix very well. Adding the sugar will give a caramelized liquid texture.

Over low flame, stir well and frequently. Mash the tomatoes with a spoon.

Cook over low flame till the mixture thickens.

If the tomatoes start to stick to the pan, add some water and cook.

Cook until the tomatoes are completely mashed and properly cooked.

Add the roasted powder from the first step. Cover and cool before serving.

How to Serve Tomato Chutney

Serve at room temperature or cold.

Tips for Making this Tomato Chutney Recipe

Use ripe tomatoes.
Add half lemon juice for the tangy taste.

What Makes Something a Chutney?

Chutney is a condiment that originated in India, and it is typically made from a combination of fruits or vegetables, vinegar, and spices. The ingredients are diced or minced and then simmered together to create a thick, spreadable sauce.

Chutneys can be sweet or savory and can be made from a variety of ingredients, including mangoes, tamarind, tomatoes, onions, and apples, among others.

The flavors and textures of chutney can vary widely, depending on the ingredients used and the cooking method. Some chutneys are smooth and velvety, while others are chunky and textured.

In general, chutneys are used as a condiment or spread, and they are often served with Indian food, but they can be used in a variety of dishes and cuisines.

What is Tomato Chutney?

Tomato chutney is a type of chutney that is made with tomatoes as the main ingredient. It is a popular condiment in India and other parts of South Asia.

Tomato chutney can be sweet or savory, depending on the recipe and the other ingredients used. It is typically made by simmering diced tomatoes with vinegar, sugar, and a variety of spices, such as cumin, coriander, and chili powder.

Tomato chutney can be enjoyed as a condiment or used as a sauce in a variety of dishes. It is a flavorful and versatile condiment that is easy to make and can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

What Do You Eat With Tomato Chutney?

Tomato chutney is a versatile condiment that can be served with a variety of dishes. It is commonly served with Indian food, such as curries, samosas, roti, and other savory dishes.

Tomato chutney can also be served with grilled or roasted meats, such as chicken or lamb, and it can be used as a sauce for sandwiches or wraps.

In addition to being a condiment, tomato chutney can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes, such as dips, sauces, and marinades. It can also be used as a topping for baked goods, such as breads, crackers, and crostini.

Some people also enjoy tomato chutney as a spread for toast or sandwiches, or as a topping for eggs, omelets, and other breakfast items.

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