Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce Recipe

Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce Recipe

From: Thailand

By: Sorakritch Wiangwises

This Thai street food classic combines crispy, juicy shrimp and sweet and tangy tamarind sauce for a match made in heaven. 

Eating Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce is a fun and delicious experience. You can eat it as a snack or as a main course with a side of rice. It's also a great dish for entertaining and it's sure to impress your guests.

This dish is a beloved street food in Thailand and it's not hard to see why. It's quick, easy and incredibly delicious. It's the perfect dish to enjoy while strolling through the streets or as a quick lunch.

View full details
  • Prep Time

    Less than 10 min

  • Cook Time

    Less than 30 min

  • Serves


  • Meal Type

    Main Dish

  • Dietary Stuff

    Contains Fish

  • Difficulty

    Moderate - New Skills or Ingredients Await

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How to Prepare Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce


10-15 shrimps or prawns
5 cloves of garlic
enough frying oil to deep fry the prawns
¼ cup of tamarind sauce
¼ cup of fish sauce
2 tbsp of palm sugar (or brown sugar)
1 tsp of salt
½ cup of cooking flour
5 chillis (optional)
cilantro for decoration (optional)


PREPARE SHRIMP: Using whatever your preference is for shrimp, clean and remove shells.
FOR TAMARIND SAUCE: Heat tamarind sauce, fish sauce, and palm sugar in a pan over high heat. Simmer for about 3 minutes.
Taste. The sauce should be sweet, sour, and salty. Set aside.
COOKING: Slice garlic. Heat oil in pan for shallow frying. When hot, add garlic slices and chilis to pan until garlic browns.
Set garlic and chilis aside. Retain oil in frying pan for shrimp.
Season shrimp with salt and coat in flour. Fry in hot oil until they turn red. Remove from pan.
Place fried shrimp on plate. Pour tamarind sauce over shrimp. Top with fried garlic, chilis, and cilantro.

How to Serve Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce

The meal should be enough for four people. I would recommend eating it with some hot rice- Thai jasmine rice is the best since this dish is from Thailand! As for how to position the shrimp, I recommend putting them next to one another for aesthetic or you can just toss them all on the dish. Either way, it is still delicious!

Tips for Making this Fried Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce Recipe

I really recommend using palm sugar instead of white granulated sugar since palm sugar helps make the tamarind sauce thicker. If you need a substitute use brown sugar.

It would be great to use fat big shrimp instead of a small one so that the shrimp can absorb more of the tamarind sauce.

Make sure the result of our tamarind sauce has the mix of sweetness, sourness and saltiness. If it gets too sour, add more sugar and if it gets too sweet, add more tamarind sauce.

How Do You Use Tamarind Sauce?

Tamarind sauce is used as a dipping sauce, in marinades and stir-fries, in curries, soups, and as a glaze.

Also known as tamarind paste, it is a popular ingredient in Thai and Southeast Asian cuisine. It is made from the pulp of tamarind fruit, which is known for its tangy, sweet, and slightly sour flavor.

It's important to note that tamarind sauce can be quite sour and sweet, so it's best to start with a small amount and add more to taste.

What is Tamarind Sauce Made Of?

Tamarind sauce, also known as tamarind paste, is made from the pulp of the tamarind fruit. The tamarind fruit is a tropical fruit that grows in pods on tamarind trees. The pods contain a sticky, brown, and fibrous pulp that surrounds large seeds.

To make tamarind sauce, the pulp is extracted from the pods and mixed with water to create a thick paste. The paste is then strained to remove any fibers and seeds. After that, it is seasoned with sugar, salt and sometimes chili, to balance the tangy and sour taste of tamarind.

What Does Tamarind Shrimp Taste Like?

Tamarind Shrimp tastes sweet, savory, and slightly sour.

The shrimp have a crispy texture on the outside and a juicy texture on the inside, while the tamarind sauce is tangy, sweet and spicy. The combination of the fried shrimp and the tamarind sauce is delicious, unique and perfectly balanced.

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