2 ½ cups warm water
250 g (8.8 oz) panela (also known as piloncillo, papelón or jaggery)
3 tbsp of aniseed (not to be confused with star anise)
1 lb of cornmeal (also known as masa harina)
1 tbsp of wheat flour
4 oz. cheese (can be shredded cheese or a cheese that melts well)
Oil to fry
Mix the panela and water in a bowl. Add the anise seeds, stir, and set aside until the panela dissolves. You can do this step 24 hours ahead to speed up the process.
In another bowl mix the cornmeal and wheat flour with a pinch of salt.
Add the panela water to the flour. Mix little by little until the dough is formed. Knead the dough with your hands until the consistency is right. You will know it’s done when the dough stops sticking to the bowl.
In a medium cooking pot, start heating the oil to fry the arepitas dulces.
When the oil is bubbling and hot, start forming the arepitas. Grab small balls of dough and shape them into a ball. Put the ball between your hands and squeeze until a disk-like shape is formed. The arepitas should be roughly the size of your palm and measure around one inch in thickness.
Carefully submerge the arepitas in the hot oil. They should be completely submerged in it. You can also grab a spoon and “bathe” them with the oil. When they turn golden, flip them until they brown. Be careful not to burn them and take them out when they are a light brown or deep golden color.
Place the arepitas dulces on a paper towel so they can absorb the oil.
Serve them with some butter and/or cheese on top.